Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Official

I've officially graduated from the University of Minnesota Crookston with a degree in Business Management. I'm really happy to be done with school, but I will really miss all the times with my friends. On a positive note, I won't have to worry about homework, projects, and tests anymore. That will be such a nice relief from the past few years.

Next week, I will take off on a whole new adventure in life. I'm leaving for Medora, North Dakota bright and early Monday morning for a new adventure. I will be working for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation for the summer as their Flower Crew Leader. While working there, I will be living at the foundation in a dormitory located at the north end of the bad lands.

While in Medora, I plan to explore the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and also the northern end of the Badlands, taking numerous photos of my ventures. I also plan to go to Yellowstone National Park along with Mount Rushmore. I have so much exploring to do and so many photos to take. There are so many places I haven't explored in life and I'm eager to begin my venture.

Follow my ventures here on my blogs and look for my photography on my new web site.

Maybe you'll see me on one of my adventures!

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