Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome to Medora!

It's official! I've arrived in Medora, North Dakota! That was a long and boring 6 hour drive, but I feel that this adventure shall be well worth it.

These geese greeted me on my first walk. After I got settled in, unpacked, and had dinner, I went out on my first brief trek around the community. I was astonished to see the geese landing and perching on the cliff faces. To me, this was unusual and new behavior, but it could be quite typical around here.

This is the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation's Headquarters. New arrivals check-in here and this is also where we report for duty. The Headquarter's building has a very scenic view of the surrounding area.
While out on my walk, I met some of my new neighbors. There was a flock of around twenty or so Black Turkey Vultures hanging out and gliding around a grove of large Cottonwood trees. They were quite brave too, my presence didn't seem to bother them. As ugly as they may be, I still admire their inner beauty, one only needs to look beyond their face.

Am I ever excited to explore this place! The main entrance to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park is only at the other side of town from the dorm room in which I will be living for the summer. When I say the other side of town, I mean only about four short blocks. It is an easy hike from where I will be living and I plan to go there often to explore the bountiful nature the park has to offer. I hear that there is a very large Prairie Dog town in the park and that it isn't that far in. I can't wait to go and meet my new neighbors.

On my venture, I came across the film crew. They were downtown shooting a commercial for the Rough Rider's Hotel and Restaurant. I decided to sneak a couple of photos of them as I passed by, leaving the undisturbed with their mission.

Of course, anyone who knows me well knows I cannot resist horses. Once I left my room after dinner, I made a direct bee line to the stables. I cautiously picked my way down the trails through the Sage Brush and Yuccas, warily looking for Rattle Snakes. I wanted to go and meet the heard. They were a friendly bunch and came to the fence to greet me.

I had an interesting a lovely first trek here in Medora. As I walked, I listened to the songs of the Meadow Larks and the Robins. I laughed at the unusual sound of squeaking door hinges, A.K.A. Ring-Neck Pheasants crowing. And watched the geese and the Golden Eagles as they flew overhead. I can't wait to see what adventures tomorrow has in store for me! Tomorrow shall be my first official day of work.

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