Monday, May 4, 2009

Survival Mode

I've finished the first of my 3 finals and officially passed the class. I could have done much better, but for a last minute performance, I managed to pull it off. No one should ever leave an entire semesters worth of homework for the last 3 weeks of school and then try to turn it all in and pass the class successfully. I wouldn't recommend it.

Thankfully, I finally found a job and started working last week. I'm down to under fifty dollars in the bank and am not sure when or how much my first check will be. It looks like I'm going to get a lot of exercise and be eating mostly rice until my budget improves. In order to conserve money, I'll be parking the truck for most of the summer and either biking or walking to my destinations. This will be good for me as my job is only a few blocks from my apartment and the university is only about a mile away.

This shall be a short posting as I have more studying to do. I only have two finals left, wish me luck!

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