Thursday, April 30, 2009


The semester is winding down and finals are upon us. I only have two class sessions left. It is sort of bittersweet, on the one hand, the semester will be over and I will be on summer break. On the other hand, summer break will last a mere three weeks before summer session starts up. I'm going to have a heavy summer taking 7 credits. It may not sound like much, but when the semester starts and you realize that you only have 8 weeks to perform the same tasks that you would normally have 17 weeks to perform, you get a bit overwhelmed. I'm doing summer session so that I can have a lighter Fall and Spring semester before my upcoming graduation. Finally!!

Finals should go well. I only have one in the classroom and two online. It will be nice to be done with them once and for all. I think that I'm going to spend my 3 week break getting a head start on my summer classes to give me an upper hand on them. That way, when the semester starts, I can submit my homework quickly and have more time to prepare for exams. After summer session, I plan to never take another online class again. Yes, I said never, and I meant it.

I'm going to have lots of time to focus on my classes over the summer. Sadly, the other night, my cable went out. I was so excited when I moved into my new apartment and discovered that it had cable. It was too good to be true. Now, it is gone. I'm left wondering if that meant that there was some sort of free month special trial period, or what the deal was. Oh well... I can't afford to hook it up at this point and so I'm going to have to live without it. One the bright side, that will be a good thing for my classes and homework, one less distraction. That leaves me with only my cell phone in my apartment for communication purposes and distractions.

Well... I'm off to my last session of Audio Visual Class. Wish me luck on my finals...

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